Ash Wednesday
February 14
Lunch Hour Service, 12 noon (in-person)
A short service designed to fit into a lunch break.
7pm Service (in-person & online)
A service of contemplation together
as we begin the Lenten Season.
Silent Sanctuary
Thursdays, 12:15-12:45pm
Church Sanctuary
A communal Interfaith Experience of God’s Presence
in our historic candlelit sanctuary
12:15 pm-Short Inspirational Reading, Song, or Video
12:25 pm-Bell: Sit in Silence for 20 Minutes
12:45 pm-Bell:Depart in Silence
Call Sharon Rogers, Hostess, at 775-233-9940 with questions.
Holy Week
Palm Sunday
March 24, 10am (in person & online)
We begin Holy Week with special music with our Chancel Choir.
Palm Sunday Processional
The annual Palm Sunday procession featuring Jesus with a donkey will start at Saint Peter’s Episcopal Church at 9:30 a.m. and pass in front of First UMC around 9:35 AM, where our choir will join the procession. Come to church early to participate in this annual tradition. Hallelujah!
Maundy Thursday
March 28, 7pm (in person & online)
A special service commemorating the last meal of Jesus with his disciples including a foot washing rite, communion and stripping the church.
Good Friday
March 29, 12pm (in person & online)
Interfaith Service, First United Methodist Church
Our Interfaith community will gather for a time of prayer and reflection
as we await the resurrection of the Savior.
Easter Sunday
The Resurrection of Our Lord Sunday
March 31, 10am (in person & online)
We will gather as a church family to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
Easter Egg Hunt
Easter Eggs will be hidden across the lawnsand preschool playground.
All children are all invited to join in the hunt following the 10am service!