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Community Connections
We are committed to taking an active role in serving our greater local and global community through interfaith and community connections.
Community Resource Guide
FUMC puts out an annual comprehensive resource guide for older adults in our community. Our guide is utilized by medical care and other service providers, local agencies, non-profit organizations, and more to help older adults meet their needs in the Carson City, Douglas, and Washoe area.
Topics include
adaptive clothing & equipment, advocacy/protective services,
alternative dispute resolution/mediation,
behavioral/mental health,
community services,
hospital/urgent care
internet resources,
legal assistance
medical equipment,
senior discounts,
senior living (independent, assisted, memory care, skilled, residential care homes)
support groups
Download the 2020 Guide from this page or request print copies by calling our office. While donations are gladly accepted to help continue this work, guides are provided at no cost to anyone who requests a copy.
If you provide a service that should be added to our guide, please contact the church office and we will put you in contact with our Guide coordinator.
capital city c.i.r.c.l.e.s. initiative (Networx)
1stUMC is proud to be a part of Capital City C.I.R.C.L.E.S Initiative, a member of NETworX (USA). C.I.R.C.L.E.S breaks the cycle of generational poverty by allying middle-class people (Community Allies) with families in poverty (Champions of Change) over a two to three year period. 1stUMC has been a major supporter of C.I.R.C.L.E.S since it's beginnings here in Carson, along with many other members of our local community in other faith organizations, private organizations and city/county government agencies. Our local C.I.R.C.L.E.S is now a flagship of the program and is involved in training and creating new C.I.R.C.L.E.S all over the country. Volunteers are always needed as Community Allies, as well as in child-care, tutoring, and providing meals. Contact the C.I.R.C.L.E.S office or our own church office to be involved in this life-changing program.
Medical Equipment Closet
1stUMC maintains a collection of medical equipment available to the public. We have wheel chairs, shower/toileting chairs, canes, crutches, braces, and more availble to check out. Conact the office to see if we have what you need, or to donate supplies.
Interfaith N.O.T.S. Warming Center
The Night Off the Streets Warming Center is a partnership with other local churches to provide warm, safe shelter to local individuals homeless who are homeless each winter.
Churches throughout our community volunteer to host for a month. Volunteers are needed in two-person shifts (1 male + 1 female) each night November-March. Volunteers may serve in churches other than their home church, and don't need to be a member of any church to help. Contact the church office to volunteer at any location.
Kies family
(UMCOR Missionaries in Zimbabwe)
Our church family has supported Larry and Jane Kies, UMC Global Ministries missionaries in at Africa University in Mutare, Zimbabwe, for many years. Jane teaches English at the university and Larry has recently retired from his teaching position.
Recovery Groups
There are a number of recovery groups (Alcoholics Anonymous, Gamblers Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous) that meet in our church space. Each groups maintains their own schedule, but you can contact the office for more information to connect with a group.
Laugh and Learn
Laugh and Learn is a parent/toddler play group that meets every Wednesday from 9:30AM - 11:00AM in the Sunday School rooms upstairs. It is a chance to get some 1-1 time with your little one and help them socialize with others. There are toys to play with, coloring books and crayons, paints, play dough, puzzles and a craft offered every week. There is also a snack offered during the last 15 minutes. Laugh and Learn runs in Spring and Fall Sessions. Enrollment for the Fall Session will be announced soon. The cost is $45 per session.
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