Access the church and sanctuary stair-free by entering at the south Breezeway entrance (location of the taxi drop-off, ramp, and automatic door) and through the Aldersgate Room to the Sanctuary. Sunday services and activities are generally held on the ground level.
Our Children's Ministry Coordinator, Pam Houghton, would be happy to discuss accommodating any special needs your child may have. All children and youth are invited and welcome.
Snacks are occasionally served in Sunday School; please inform your child's teacher of any dietary needs!
Large print hymnals are available; ushers will be happy to supply you with one.
Communion is served once a month with bread, gluten-free bread and grape juice.
Our bulletins are available online. We have a short form and a long form with full transcripts for those who are hearing impaired and would like a text to follow along.